Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chag Sukkot Sameach!

May this holiday bring you great joy.

I have been a big fan of Koren Publishers since I davened from their Hebrew only Chumash/Siddur in Israel. Their Tikkun for Torah readers is one of the most accurate out there.  Now they have done it again with their Talmud.  I have been doing Daf Yomi with Artscroll's iPad app and Koren's translation of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's fabulous Talmud.  Rabbi Steinsaltz is phenomenal and helped me (and many others) through his "easy" Hebrew translation of the Talmud.  The other major innovation of the Hebrew edition is that he added punctuation to the Talmud and Rashi.  (That doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is HUGE!)  Koren's English translation of his work adds color photos that have been a major help in understanding certain sections.  Sometimes it is just easier to see a picture than to understand a long complicated discussion.
While Sukkot won't be published for a while longer, in honor of Sukkot, Koren has sent out the sample above.  I will be using a piece of it in my Sukkot teaching this holiday.

Koren Publications was kind enough to send me a review copy of the following book.  While I will write more about it another time, I can say that it clearly and concisely explained the legal dimensions of a Sukkah (both minimum and maximum) helping me to ensure that my shul's Sukkah was kosher!

Hilkhot Mo'adim

Understanding the Laws of the Festivals

(All trademarks belong to their respective owners.)  I was not financially compensated for this post, although I did receive the email link above and the book mentioned.

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