Friday, May 11, 2012

A moment's pause on this 34th Day of the Omer

As I write an installation program for my new board and a Mother's Day sermon for Shabbat morning, I am contemplating the nature of Torah and the Divine.  What language do we use to express the ineffable?  How do we bring the warmth we feel into the hearts of others?  Having just returned from the Rabbinical Assembly, I am inspired by the holy work that rabbis do.  We have the capability to bring the sacred into the profane, the ephemeral into reality.  The challenge is trying to do that regularly!  How do we turn sacred seconds into sacred moments, sacred moments into sacred days?  How do we help ourselves and others see the beauty that is always right in front of us, the beauty of Gd's creation, the Divine Image found within all we meet?

As I prepare my words for this week, practice the Torah reading, I think of all the mothers that are a part of my life.  Mine and my wife's, my grandmothers, and all of their mothers back to Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, or even farther back, to Havah/Eve, to Gd's feminine presence, the Source of all Life, the Shechinah.  I am in awe of them and all the mothers.  Thanks!

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