Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The countdown has begun

Rosh Hashanah arrives this coming Sunday night. Full schedule here:

As we enter these days of reflection, I formally ask your forgiveness for these rabbinic "sins":

  • Did I forget to return a call or email?
  • Was I less friendly during Elul?
  • Did I ask more of you than you can give?
  • Did I say yes to something I should have said no, too or vice versa?
  • Was my answer too long-winded or too brief?
  • Did I speak to much or too little on Shabbat?
  • Did I neglect my family and friends?
  • Did I respond to every text, but not to every smile?
I'm sure there are others!  

As we ask one another for forgiveness, let us strive to improve ourselves every year.

Life is not a circle or a cycle, it is a spiral.  Each year we are in the same physical plane, but in a different temporal one.  Even if it is once again Rosh Hashanah, it does not make it last year again. We get to try again for the future, but not for the past.  Let us raise ourselves higher and holier each year.  Join with me!  Find the space for forgiveness of others and of yourself.

1 comment:

  1. You say, "try again for the future, but not for the past." What a great choice of's a beautiful feeling to be driving forward instead of rear-view driving :)
    I wanted to take a moment to wish you & your family as well as your entire congregation a very happy Rosh Hashanah <3 Much love to you, Michele (shelly) Starkey
